Monday, December 30, 2019

Blooming even in the Winter

I've been revisiting my focus on self love and care lately, the busy-ness of life and a hectic work schedule sometimes means that I don't do as much as I would like to in that arena. Self development and growth are both very important to me; like most people I've had some things that did not go right this year and things that went absolutely amazing. The amazing events of the year I am so appreciative of and do not take for granted <3 The situations/things that caught me off guard this year really tried to shake me and has been one of my most challenging years mentally; conversations had with myself in these moments were really important especially in line with keeping health mentally. I told myself they can not and will not take me out - because I am an overcomer, 
I will and have overcome them all. 

I think that's something we tend to neglect, we do a lot of focus on physical health but forget that we are intricate beings that go beyond just the physical. Your Spiritual, Emotional and Mental Health need love and care too. Planning out my New Years Goals and schedule I am being more intentional and conscious of also making sure to plan out "me" time. To focus on really nurturing and feeding the health of me as a whole being, and in doing so really honouring and appreciating this vessel I've been given. We only get one y'all! Let's make sure we really look after ourselves on all levels <3

I'm eternally grateful to God for His protection and the strength to stand, and when my legs feel weary grateful He is there to carry me, 
and in and through every situation whether deemed good or bad 
I continue to bloom x x x

Wishing you all a beautiful crossover in 2020, stay safe and blessed! xoxo

What are some of your goals going into 2020?
Let me know in the comments below x x x

Dress: Pretty Little Thing
Bracelet: Stopshop London

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